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First held in London in 2012, MeasureCamp is an “unconference” for the digital analytics industry . In 2016 the conference was held in 11 cities around the world. With growing popularity and unbeatable price (free) the tickets to the conference disappear quickly, often in minutes from offering time. We are excited to bring MeasureCamp to the West Coast and share the great experience and invaluable content that can be achieved with the power of the community. Held on a Saturday, it has a relaxed fun vibe and is free to attend. The event is all about learning, exchanging ideas, networking and solving problems with your fellow digital analytics practitioners. You can learn more about MeasureCamp on the main site. We also encourage you to watch the “This is MeasureCamp” video produced by MeasureCamp London – it is a great introduction into the immersive experience!
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As a concept, unconferences are designed to encourage discussions and the exchange of ideas as an antidote to the passive traditional large theatre-style conferences. MeasureCamp is about collaboration with its small discussion group format and schedule defined, created and curated by attendees. As such, MeasureCamp provides participants with the ultimate opportunity to learn, develop and network with peers, consultants and vendors. You might think the format does not work, but ask the hundreds of attendees who have experienced this format and you will find that this format is the crown jewel of information sharing. We encourage you to come and experience the revolution with us!
Attended by the best in the analyics industry from senior level client and agency side to those just starting out, the event can be an invaluable part of your continuing learning. Whether on the first run of the career ladder or nearer the top,MeasureCamp is inclusive. It is open forum in which you have the chance to share best practices, learn about something new or discuss key issues facing the analytics industry. Widely regarded as the best analytics conference, with the best content, tickets are snapped up in seconds on release and people travel from all over the world to attend.
We get a lot of questions about the format. We highly encourage you to . But here is in short what the day will look like
This is the outline of how the event goes, we highly encourage you to present your experience with MeasureCamp will be 10 times better!
Remember MeasureCamp is an unconference. There are no predefined speakers. The content comes from YOU! You can present with a presentation or you can lead a discussion or a workshop on any topic related to digital analytics. If you have a problem, bring it up maybe someone else has faced it and can give you a solution. If you want to share an idea, go for it. If you want to brainstorm on a topic – go for it. The success of the event depends on you! You will be surprised how many people come to MeasureCamp unsure if they will present and dive into a topic, to come out with a whole different outlook.
We welcome and encourage you to be brave and present. If you are struggling with an issue chances are that someone else is as well. If you have new ideas, chances are someone wants to hear them! So join us as a presenter and enhance your MeasureCamp experience! And feel free to share your topic with us on this form: